M update & pictures

Hi all:
Well, we've been on the ice a little more then a week and we've settled right in. I'm busy at work serving food, making coffee - lots of coffee - which I'm not opposed too - I heart coffee! & washing lots of dishes. It' s kind of been a nice break from my working the phone and campaigning days. I will say that the constant "tasking " every minute of my day will get old. The people are nice and the landscapes here are amazing - well worth it!
Here are some fun pictures from our journey down south , we flew 5 hours from christchurch new zealand to ross island - mcmurdo sound where our base (station) is ... the C17 US air force cargo plane was loud (we had 2 wear ear plugs)but boy it could carry a lot of gear, equipment and people.
Let me know if you can't see the pictures! New to the blogging stuff
pix 1 above: the gate to get on our flight 2 west antarctica

pix 4: inside the c17 cargo plane looking forward to flight deck
pix 5 the aft of the cargo plane with all the Gear loaded on palletes etc.. behind that is food and equip.

Great Photo's Monica!
AWesome photos! You are incredible to do this great adventure! Take good care of yourself, Toots.
(Ang is showing me the photos here in cold WisCONsin.)
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