Crazy but true !! Paul competed in the Antarctica's annual Ice Wharf Golf Tournament on sunday. Closest to the pin wins' Paul came in 3rd place ! great! paul and the corwd are actually standing on sea ice that is covered in gravel to drive on and to the right of him is where our sea vessels dock - unload and load!

Monica and Leeann also from Denver had a much easier time at snow camp survival school then Paul.. we had fairly mild weather 20 degrees, light to med. wind and sunny most of the time... here we are sitting in the ice lounge outside our snow cave/ igloo with circular couch (like the counseling couch in Gunny- BASC style!) with a big screen tv (behind us) showing rugby - of course and a little table for cards and keeping your drinks cold.

Monica hauling gear at t snow camp - ice block walls protect our tents & makeshift kitchen . Our snow cave to the right.

2 emperor penguins hanging out on our remote airfield runway for small planes... so cute!