Adelie Penguins came across the sea ice & visited us at our base on Ross Island! A great day!

This is the Swedish Oden ice breaker ship (along with the coast guard ship- the Polar Sea- it breaks up the sea ice and creates a channel for our supply vessel to reach the base for off load) the little black dots in front of the ship are 75 or so Adelie penguins!
Wow! That is really cool. That ship looks pretty interesting. It must have an impressive engine by looking at those smoke stacks. How do they break the ice? Just ram through it?
Mon and Pablito,
Sorry it's taken me this long to comment on your blog-- I love it! keep the updates and the posts coming.
mon, i really loved the article you wrote about shoes. good one. i could totally hear you in the article.
glad you guys are having fun!
me again. you guys should know that it is a lot warmer where you are than here in colorado. they claimed it was -54 F in steamboat this morning. it's simply brutal.
i might need to borrow your antarctic down duds if i try to ski again in conditions like these! crazy cold and wrong i tell you.
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