Sunday, March 25, 2007

new zealand

Monica and Paul on the Routeburn Track above the Mackenzie Valley!
Monica on the Routeburn Track , glacier formed valley in the background.
Paul chilling out in his gnome like chair (driftwood) on St Pattys day in the small coastal town of Hokitika on the West Coast - where sheep have ocean front property!

New Zealand !

Paul and Monica at the trailhead of the Milford Track on the south island of New Zealand! it's one of the most famous walks/ backpacks in the world - 33.5 miles 4 days/ 3 nights. on the 3rd day we saw at least 150 + waterfalls coming off the top of the fiords (granite mtns) crazy & wet since we had to do 5 or so river / small stream crossings!
Just a small waterfall in Fiordland national park that the milford track and the routeburn tracks we completed go through. Amazing
Our first campsite on the Abel Tasman track- Anapi Cove -deserted and awesome! Don't worry I had sunscreen on!