Oct 18, 2006
Hi all:
Well, we've been on the ice a little more then a week and we've settled right in. I'm busy at work serving food, making coffee - lots of coffee - which I'm not opposed too - I heart coffee! & washing lots of dishes. It' s kind of been a nice break from my working the phone and campaigning days. I will say that the constant "tasking " every minute of my day will get old. The people are nice and the landscapes here are amazing - well worth it!
Here are some fun pictures from our journey down south , we flew 5 hours from christchurch new zealand to ross island - mcmurdo sound where our base (station) is ... the C17 US air force cargo plane was loud (we had 2 wear ear plugs)but boy it could carry a lot of gear, equipment and people.
Let me know if you can't see the pictures! New to the blogging stuff
pix 1 above: the gate to get on our flight 2 west antarctica

pix 2 Monica & all our gear @ 4am , pix 3 Paul and I geared up for our flightin the c17 cargo plane
pix 4: inside the c17 cargo plane looking forward to flight deck
pix 5 the aft of the cargo plane with all the Gear loaded on palletes etc.. behind that is food and equip.